Sunday, November 29, 2009

How to Consume Diacont

Image and video hosting by TinyPicHow to Consume:
- for minor condition, drink 2 capsules 2 times a day.
-for difficult condition (blood sugar is unstable), drink 3 capsules 2 times a day.
- for pus wound or ganggrene, drink 3 capsules 3 times a day. The contents of the capsule could be applied on the pus wound or ulcer after the wound is cleaned.

The Effect of Tiens Diacont:
The sufferer with the problem of obesity possibly will experience nausea, minor diarrhoea, headache and minor headache will happen at early use as the side-effect of detox proccess. This side-effect only takes place for approximately 2-3 days.

- the effect will be felt after approximately 2 weeks after consuming Diacont.
- Avoid food containing high level of sugar and always do arranged exercise.
- It is not recommended to stop the use of the doctor's medicine.
- It is not recommended for the allergic sufferer against vegetables.

The explanation about the level of blood sugar.
<> normal.
100 mg/dl - 126 mg/dl = pre diabetes
> 126 mg/dl = diabetes